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It's a Challenging Market & We Care About You! How Are You Doing Right Now?

Please share your feedback with us below:

1. What's your biggest concern? Check all that apply:
2. How are you getting new leads today?
3. Do you track your leads daily/monthly?
4. Do you have a sales and marketing plan?
5. Do you have a team?
6. Do you compete a monthly Profiit & Loss for your business?
7. Do you have a money tracking system that you're committed to?
8. Do you complete a monthly Personal & Business budget?
9. Would you like help with tracking your business and personal money?
10. Want to schedule some time to think through your answers?

Here To Serve.

Brian Smith

Vice President, National Business Development


T/F: 567-998-4156 | C: 419-366-0241 |
LO NMLS 263612 | 1321 Hull Road | Suite 102, Sandusky, OH 44870

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